Sunday, 19 October 2014

in koln - posted on 10 august 2010

we were in koln / cologne for a day after the rhine cruise. it was a day spent visiting unicef, the airport and the dom

from koblenz we headed straight to the unicef office where i was part of a briefing presentation about the trip to dadeldhura along with german colleagues in december last year...

the building iteself is a unique one with creatures crawling up the sides!!

in front of the unicef office before departure

... then we all decided to accomapny him to the airport itself...

on our way back it poured.. this is the ceiling of the atrium in the train station

we visitied the dom-- cathedral.. a roman catholic church, and one of the largest in europe.. with huge twin spires.. that miraculously survived allied bombing during ww2...
the cathedral from the outside...

and inside.. with its great vaulted ceiling.. really tall... and stained glass windows.. kripa took many of these images

we were lucky that there was a performance on the organs that evening... the recital lasting over an hour.. and enchanting.. haunting to hear an orchestra being belted out of one instrument.. echoing along the domes and walls of the cathedral!!! people were sitting on the floor of the dom to listen to the performance

this window was a puzzle for me.. while listening to the performance i was trying to figure out some sense in the pixelised stained glass right in front of us !! no luck... later learnt it was a random computerised design by gerard richter

following the performance we went to eat..and came across this reminder of the great water of cologne!

the dom looked even more beautiful illuminated


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